How to think

Quotes on how to think before you speak: examples from history’s greatest thinkers

This page compiles the top quotes and proverbs on how to think before you speak, coming from some of the greatest minds in history. This page will help you better understand how to think before you speak, and most importantly think before you act. There is also a short set of steps you can follow […]

Quotes on how to think before you speak: examples from history’s greatest thinkers Read More »

How to stay motivated and maintain your momentum

You know the phrase “humans are creatures of habit”? It’s true. But humans are creatures of momentum just as much. This means that progress begets more progress, and negative reinforcement begets more negative reinforcement. Said in a different way, when you’re pursuing your goals, you’re probably either making a lot of progress quickly or letting

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The ultimate guide to automating business processes

Humans and computers seem to have different roles. Humans can make complex, abstract decisions that computers are only now learning how to make, and even then in very narrow domains (think chess). And computers can do things much better than humans, namely doing anything related to computation. So when it comes to doing tasks in

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The more general the better: why simplifying concepts helps you make better decisions

It’s human nature to desire complexity. The world around us is impossibly complex, filled with systems that are impossible to fully understand (such as the economy). And there’s a natural hunger to feed your ego by assuming that the complicated world is digestable by you in a complicated way, because that means you can handle

The more general the better: why simplifying concepts helps you make better decisions Read More »

The practical guide to KPI’s: measure what matters

Key performance indicators (KPI’s) are much easier to be misused and abused than people generally realize. This guide attempts to clarify what KPI’s do, how they should be implemented into organizations and common pitfalls to avoid. When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure – Goodhart’s law What is a

The practical guide to KPI’s: measure what matters Read More »

How to think clearly

It’s simple, really. Thinking clearly requires you to use simple language, shave off lower probabilities, and test your knowledge. Use simple language For the most part, you should be using simple, active language to think clearly. Mainly due to the constraints on how our brains work. Simple language allows you to optimize your working memory

How to think clearly Read More »